The SkillfulMeans Community

Foster good friendship; a "Kalyanamitta" - a wholesome and meaningful friendship.


How to use the SkillfulMeans Community

Watch the video to learn more about the SkillfulMeans community

What is the SkillfulMeans Community?

We developed the SkillfulMeans Community after seeing the growing need for an open mindfulness community where people from different traditions with different teachers can come together and share insights, questions and support each other on their path to greater wellbeing.

This platform is divided into a few different sections:


Free Resources

There are three kinds of free resources we offer!
In the "Meet Our Teachers" space you will find all sorts of podcasts, videos, free meditation recordings etc. to help you get starting with practicing and applying meditation
I would highly recommend joining and checking out our "Free Challenges". These are week-long opportunities to dive into or refresh a meditation practice. 


Our conversations section is open to everyone. Feel free to join the classes in the "Events" space and after the class continue the conversation or review the main points from the class.



Our events space includes both free and paid upcoming SkillfulMeans events that are both in-person and online. They will be clearly labeled and we would love for you to join any of them!

Program Groups (Mini Sanghas)

When you join a program such as, "The Mindful Body Program" or the "Growing Up Mindful Certification" you will be invited to a min sangha with its own conversation and resources.

Check out all the free community events you can join!

Insight Hour

Insight Hour is an open drop-in community class from SkillfulMeans led by William Jackson PsyD Psychologist and former Buddhist monk.

In this weekly class, we practice mindfulness-based meditation together, explore relationship dynamics and habits that help us become more mindful. The relaxed atmosphere of the class includes meditation practice, conversations and scientific and traditional teachings.
This is a virtual community donation-based meditation class.


Join The Weekly Insight Hour

Community Member

"I feel reconnected with the real me, my true nature. I remember who I was before my family, teachers, friends, culture and society told me and taught me to be someone different. For this I’m forever grateful ❤️🙏"

Community Member

“I had trouble making time for meditation and when I did, had a hard time getting into a mindful state.

I now actively look forward to my meditation time”

Community Member

In the past, I didn't have the luxury of asking random questions of my teachers... it was more an education of "acceptance."  You have made the experience more common-sense and human.  Thank you. 

Find a stable practice!

Daily Meditation


The Meditation Power Hour is an open meditation from SkillfulMeans led by William Jackson, a psychologist and former Buddhist monk.

In this daily class, we practice mindfulness-based meditation together I've every morning at 6am. 


Join The Daily Sit

Join the Community

  • Join your own mindfulness program, class or retreat
  • Discover evidence-based ways to share mindfulness with your loved ones
  • Build the confidence you need to share mindfulness with others.
  • Create a community of like-minded, innovative changemakers.
Join here