Workshops and 

Trainings for Teams


Learn and apply mindfulness to drive effective communication between teams and enhance employee well-being.

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Communicate Effectively &

Develop Emotional Intelligence

As business leaders and wellness experts on a mission to help your workforce become more effective teammates and leaders we understand these might be the most important investments you can make

Bring Mindfulness to Work

Virtual and Local Workshops

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Don't waste your most valuable resources.


Everyday time, money, and productivity are wasted due to overwhelmed, unfocused and disconnected teams.

Research shows that mental training, such as effective mindfulness training, develops attention, keeping people on task with less effort. It also enhances creativity by reducing fear of judgment and self-conscious thinking while increasing our curiosity, open-mindedness and relaxed concentration (or flow states).
This leads to teams that are centered enough to communicate effectively.

The ROI for businesses and leaders is clear - investment in mindfulness-based wellness programs produces more productive employees, a perceived sense of well-being, team cohesion, and retention. (see research below)

American Employers spent $300 billion a year on health care and lost work that is linked to inability to manage stress effectively. Employees know it...

Of Employees Feel Stress Affects Their Physical Health

Of Employees Say Stress Is Affecting Their Mental Health

Mindfulness is delivering powerful results in buisiness

As the popularity of mindfulness has exploded over the past decade, it has been implemented in many different sectors, including schools, hospitals, corporations, and government. A large body of research now demonstrates conclusively that training in mindfulness leads to:

Improved Productivity

Meditation increases employee productivity by 120%

Fewer Mistakes

A meta-analysis of 24 studies on corporate mindfulness interventions found the strongest outcomes were reduced levels of emotional exhaustion (a dimension of burnout), stress, psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and occupational stress... (Janessan et. al, 2018)

Better Stress Resilience

60% of employees experiencing anxiety in the workplace showed marked improvement upon practicing meditation. (National Business Group on Health, 2018)

More Creativity

People trained in mindfulness we able to observe without habitually reacting and experienced more cognitive flexibility in problem-solving (Colatzo, 2021)

Greater Job Satisfaction Leading To Better Staff Retention

Employers saw an 85% decrease in absenteeism

Improved teamwork and better
workplace environments

Research at Wharton showed even 8 minutes of regular meditation produces more productive, helpful and pleasant employees

Less workplace conflict and improved
conflict resolution

Glomb et al. (2011) found that mindfulness results in superior self-regulation of behavior that shapes workplace functioning

Structural changes in the brain associated with enhanced mental performance

Regular meditation practice is found to enhance activity in the prefrontal cortex (often referred to as the CEO of the brain) enhancing self-regulation, attention regulation and working memory

Enhanced immune function and improved physical and mental well-being

Studies found that and 8-week training resulted in a 40% reduction of recovery time from inflammatory illness and immune functioning

Greater Job Satisfaction & Greater happiness

Thousands of studies have linked mindfulness-based meditation to greater quality of life and satisfaction

"If I am honest, I am often my biggest obstacle to meeting deadlines. That is why I need to strengthen my mind. This workshop helped me understand how I can do that."

- Mindfulness Workshop Participant.

SkillfulMeans offers digital trainings & live workshops 

We teach the following skills in our workshops and trainings. Each of our workshops is customizable according to your needs.


  • How to apply mindfulness in the workplace for emotional resilience and sustaining energy levels (avoiding burnout)
  • How to apply mindful communication and deep listening for better collaboration and teamwork
  • The neuroscience of mindfulness
  • Ways to make more mindful decisions
  • How to become less emotionally reactive and handle stress more skillfully
  • How to have difficult conversations skillfully
  • Techniques to become more focused and efficient
  • How to ease the voice of the inner critic and cultivate a kind mind
  • Understanding our evolutionary psychology and how this has shaped us

Bring SkillfuMeans to your Organization?


Dr. William Jackson

Dr. William Jackson is a clinical psychologist, meditation teacher, and the founder and CEO of SkillfulMeans. While meditating as a monk in remote jungle huts for 12 to 14 hours a day, William developed a fascination with how people living fully engaged modern lives could experience the life-changing benefits of meditation. This calling led him to leave the monastery, study psychology, and develop the SkillfulMeans approach to complete wellbeing. It is the goal of SkillfulMeans to help you infuse insight into every facet of your life.