The Mindful Entrepreneur Program


Bring your online course and community to life!
Learn more

Bring Your Insights to Life


Does your work take more than it gives?

You know you are working on something you love when working on it doesn’t drain you, it energizes you. We’ll share a successful business model for creating a sustainable online business. 

Overcome fear of technology so you can connect with more people online

We'll share how tech can simplify your online business into something manageable that saves you time and helps you build your email list even if you haven’t started.

Imposter syndrome is no joke 

No matter how many years of experience, it’s normal to feel like you never have enough expertise to create something new and different. We'll share how to prevent this from holding you back from sharing your expertise with a larger audience online. 

Authenticity over marketing

If you’re worried you won’t be able to market and fill your course without salesy gimmicks, we’ll share our secret to creating an authentic marketing journey that develops real connections with your ideal clients.

Watch the Full Training

What is the program?


The Mindful Entrepreneur Program is a 12-week coaching program with hybrid live, pre-recorded training with 1:1 coaching throughout thecourse - you will always have access to a coach when you need one. 

Embarking on the journey of a mindful entrepreneur can be a deeply transformative experience. This journey involves discovering your unique expertise, understanding your niche market, creating effective messaging, facilitating community building, and automating your sales process.

This process will teach you how to use your personal experience and training to transform your personal business. 

As wellness professionals, we are notoriously poorly trained in business and marketing. We just want to help the world be a better place 🌈.  We will show you a sustainable business model and develop an effective intervention so you can do just that. 

Read More About Our Process

Course Structure


This course methodically helps you develop and piece together an authentic product based on your personal experience and expertise.

Each week you will watch training videos and get coaching and feedback on identifying a niche, developing content for your audience, designing a course and systematically building a business around a product. 

In addition, each week we will meet live online to discuss progress, explore questions and get feedback from the course leaders. 


More Detailed Course Structure

Dr. William Jackson

Dr. William Jackson is a clinical psychologist, meditation teacher, and the founder and CEO of SkillfulMeans. While meditating as a monk in remote jungle huts for 12 to 14 hours a day, William developed a fascination with how people living fully engaged modern lives could experience the life-changing benefits of meditation. William has researched, developed and lead effective in-person and online wellness programs for the past 10 years. Seven years ago he founded SkillfulMeans with the intention of helping wellness providers develop a sustainable business model to help them keep doing the wholesome work they love. 

Hear From Recent Clients



"I am not a sales person, not a marketer. I am not money motivated. I was still able to get my program up and sign up clients before the course was over"

- Mindfulness Entrepreneur Participant.

Week by Week Course Themes




Module 1: Market Research For Your Niche (2-4 weeks)

The first step in our journey is to dive deep into your areas of expertise. Together, we'll clarify who it is that you can best serve. We'll conduct market research to test out your offering within your niche. This step is crucial to ensure that what you are offering is marketable and resonates with your target audience. We'll also guide you on how to track data effectively so you can understand your market better, get the word out about your offering, and begin to grow your community.

Module 2: Tailored Messaging (2 weeks)

Once we have clear results from your market research and a better understanding of your audience, we'll move on to craft the your messaging that speaks directly to your ideal client's struggles. This is where your offering begins coming to life, communicated in a way that truly resonates with your ideal clients.

Module 3: Share Your Insight (2-3 weeks)

This module is all about sharing your unique insights and wisdom with your growing community. This is where you get in front of your audience and grow your online following. In this module, we'll help you to build a thoughtful marketing journey that speaks directly to your audience's needs in your free training. We'll also help you get more clarity around your course outline and design.



Module 4: Community Building (2 weeks)

Building off of the work in Module 2 & 3 , we'll continue to grow your community around your offering.  We will also start building your online offering to share your insights and practice with your students. This can be done live or pre-recorded, depending on what best suits your style and audience. 

Module 5: Insight Calls and Course Sales (2-3 weeks)

In the fifth module, we'll begin promoting your offering on our SkillfulMeans community platform. We'll also feature your course in our monthly newsletter which is sent to over 10k wellness enthusiasts. We'll guide you in building foundational business processes, enabling you to fill your course multiple times a year. You'll also learn how to have authentic, value-laden conversations with potential clients, helping them find the best path forward for their wellbeing. Armed with belief and confidence in what you're doing, you can recommend your class with conviction.

Module 6: Share Your Insights (1-2 weeks)

This module is all about launching your course with confidence. You'll learn how to provide straightforward solutions to your clients' pain points online, feel centered in your conversations with potential virtual clients, and gain confidence in the software and processes involved in marketing and running a course online.

Module 7: Automate Your Sales Process (1-2 weeks) (Optional)

The final module is optional. Here, we'll guide you on how to create an automated funnel based on the success of your initial offerings, if you would like to automate your live training. Once you find a strategy that works, there's no need to reinvent the wheel every time you launch a new course. Learn how to automate processes to save time and effort, making each course launch more efficient and effective than the last.

Embarking on this mindful entrepreneur journey is a commitment to your personal growth and the growth of those you serve. With each step, you'll gain valuable skills and insights that will serve you well as you continue your journey.

"Definately money well spent. It was worthwile. The value is 1000% there...If I didn't do this I would not be progressing my business I would not be growing. "

- Mindfulness Entrepreneur Participant.

Register for The Program

  • Bring your insights to life by developing an online course and community in your area of expertise
  • Create a brand and program design that allows you to do what you love and transform lives
  • Even if you are new to working with clients or terrified of tech, we'll help you create a free training so you can share your insights with the world and attract your ideal clients to your course.
  • We'll help you create your program offer & enrollment process that invites your perfect people into transformation and we'll teach you how to enroll them with confidence. 
Register here

All SkillfulMeans Trainings Include Live and Digital Resources 


Included in the program:

  • Educational Teachings
    Weekly videos that guide you step by step through our tried and tested methodology in building an online wellness business. 

  • Weekly Live Calls
    Get answers to burning questions about the course materials and share success and struggles with your course leaders on weekly calls.

  • Nonstop access to your Coach
    You'll have access to our team and your coach 5 days a week 9am-5pm for questions, guidance and feedback. There's no getting stuck or not having help when you need it! We'll build momentum together throughout this course to get you steady clear results.

  • Community Platform
    Continue the conversation from our live meetings, trainings and resources with your classmates and share questions & insights on our integrated platform.

  • Templates  Receive templates for funnel pages, emails, live training scripts, sales scripts, and landing pages.
Join the next class!

If you have questions, set up a call.

(We are normal people. You will not get a salesperson)

In this call, you will learn more about The Mindful Entrepreneur 16 Week Program and better understand how to turn your services into a sustainable business. 

On the call, we will likely discuss:

  1. How to bring your insights to life by developing an online course and community in your area of expertise
  2. Creating a brand and program design that allows you to do what you love and transform lives
  3. How to attract and enroll your ideal clients to your course.

Frequently Asked Questions