Mental Skills and Mindfulness Training for Coaches

Enrolling until October 29th

What is the online program?

Healing the Heart of Service is a 10 week, 20+ Hour hybrid live and pre-recorded course designed to help you develop and deepen your mindfulness practice with the support of a community and a teacher with over 20 years of practice experience.

You will have access to hours of videos, guided meditations, a community forum full of resources, and live group meetings.

Weekly One Hour Live Q&A Calls Every Thursday @ 5:30PST/8:30EST Starting 9/22

Tell me more

Support First, Challenge Second

Even if your athletes disagree with your choices, you can still earn their respect and "buy in" which will inspire them to work harder for you.

Start With “Why”

If your athletes are struggling to stay motivated, you can create an environment that supports them in gaining clarity on their “why”, bringing more passion to their performance.

Turn Failure into Fuel for Success

If your athletes are having a hard time bouncing back, learn to teach them concrete strategies to improve their resilience so they can leverage loss into growth.

Coach with Confidence

Even when working under pressure, you can build confidence in your instincts in order to make strong decisions in a consistent way.

Meet Pete

Pete Kadushin, Ph.D., CMPC is the Mental Performance Coach for the Chicago Blackhawks. With over a decade of experience in the field of sport and performance psychology, Pete’s had the privilege to work with a wide range of performers and organizations. His mission is to help people develop the mental skills and mindset that allow them to perform at their highest level so they can live a more fulfilled, meaningful life. A meditator since 2010, Pete continues to be awed by the power of the simple and profound practice of mindfulness.


Course Structure

Every week will cover a different topic, with short videos, journaling prompts, and guided meditation practices adding up to 30-60 min of work each week. Practicing alone, in pairs, and as a community on a weekly call, we will dive beneath the surface of these teachings and integrate them into our real lives.

Live Calls Thursdays 5:30PST/8:30EST

Register for The Program

  • Support First, Challenge Second
  • Start With “Why”
  • Turn Failure into Fuel for Success
  • Coach with Confidence
Register here

“I’ve been able to push myself to try things that are still outside my comfort zone, like running a trail marathon this fall. This has been incredible and has inspired me to use techniques I learned from Pete in other aspects of my life.”
— Student Affairs Professional

“I have found that investing time into mental training is one of the single biggest difference makers for players and coaches. I would not be where I am without Peter’s help.”

— Head Coach, College Basketball

“Pete’s coaching provided the motivation and direction I needed to change my focus and achieve my goals.”

— NCAA Cross Country Skier

“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free.”
~Thích Nhất Hạnh

Weekly Themes Outline

Week 1 - Orientation: What Mindfulness Practice is and How to Begin

  • Definition of Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness of the Body + Guided Meditation #1
  • Intro to Mindful Journaling
  • Second Body Practice


Week 2 - Listening to Ourselves and Quieting the Noise

  • The Volume Teachings, a look at our Nervous System
  •  Mindfulness of the News
  • Integrated and Dedicated Practice
  • Anatomy of Sitting


Week 3 - Going Deeper and Seeing the Patterns

  • Self-Awareness → Self-Management → Self-Love
  • True Power is Action + Intention
  • What is Zen?


Week 4 - We Are In This Together

  • Mindfulness of the Feelings + Guided Meditation #2  
  • The Practice of Community
  • Patience 


Week 5 - The Science and Practice of Letting Go

  • Non-Fear and Neuroanatomy
  • Non-Attachment to View
  • Letting Go

Week 6 - LOVE in Mindfulness

  • Understanding is LOVE 
  • The Practice of R.A.I.N. (Recognition, Acceptance, Investigation, and Non-Identification)
  • What I Learned about Relationships from 7 Years of Celibacy


Week 7 - Understanding Our Mind

  • Mindfulness of the Thoughts + Guided Meditation #3 
  • The Science of Habit Energy
  • Mindfulness of the Judge


Week 8 - Integrating Mindfulness into Everyday Life

  • Are You Sure? (a training in Zen Pop Quiz practice)
  • Mindfulness of the Camera  
  • Acceptance


Week 9 - Practicing with Other People

  • Difficult Conversations and Deep Listening 
  • Slowing Down and Debunking the Urgency Fallacy
  • Action is the Antidote


Week 10 - Bringing it all Together in Compassion

  • Mindfulness of Everything + Guided Meditation #4
  • Hard Gratitude and Grief
  • Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion
  • Staying Connected to a Community of Practice

All SkillfulMeans Trainings Include Live and Digital Resources 

 Each of our trainings meet you where you are with your mindfulness practice to help you become a leader in your field and transform your personal relationships.


Included in the program:

  • Video Teachings
    Weekly videos that will walk you through a systematic approach to develop Resilience using mindfulness. Resilience is a teachable skill that has more to do with managing our attitude than our calendar.

  • Live Calls Weekly
    Every week we gather online to share our trials and triumphs in the practice. Ask direct questions and get time saving, clarifying answers. I spent all those years in Monasteries so you don’t have to!

    Live Calls Thursdays 5:30PST/8:30EST
  • Mindful Journaling
    I have been journaling almost every day for the last ten years. I’m not especially disciplined, I was just taught how to journal in a way that is natural, easy, doesn’t take forever, and is undeniably beneficial. Learn how this one tool can help you understand your mind.

  • Second Body Practice
    We can’t do this work alone. Pair up with a partner and check in on a weekly basis. Even just getting a text that says, “I followed the guided meditation today!” can be a huge support, especially if you’re new to mindfulness.

  • Guided Meditation Recordings
    The course includes 4 different Guided Meditations that were created specifically to train you in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, a teaching that is thousands of years old, and just as relevant today.

  • Community Platform
    Share your experience of each week’s topic with your classmates, connect with other mindful people, and meet a family of experienced Mindfulness Teachers, all on our integrated platform.


Join the next class!

Frequently Asked Questions

"Absolutely amazing. The genuineness and curiosity and creativity is admirable. His ability to complicated processes and explain and apply them with ease is awesome. All the small different creative ways to do mindfulness is so helpful. He is also very real and makes you feel like you don’t have be an expert to do this!"

- Mindfulness Workshop Participant.

Questions?  Schedule a free 

Insight Call with Dave 

to learn more or join the class. 

Talk with Brother Dave via Zoom for 30 min about where your practice is, where you need support, and how his 10-week workshop: Healing the Heart of Service, can help you. Why guess when you can talk it through with the teacher? 

Together, WE GOT THIS.