$400.00 USD

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Mindful Body Balanced Weight Program

Sign up now for the Mindful Body, Balanced Weight Group Coaching Package

Attend weekly group coaching sessions with a group of high-achieving, conscious women looking to lose 5-20lbs without giving up favorite foods or adding gym sessions by balancing the gut and practicing mindful eating.

Learn how to bring balance to your unique microbiome (this is different for everyone) and receive a personalized assessment of your microbial health to reduce inflammation, heal digestive upsets and boost energy. 

Add more of the nutrients that best support the health of your digestive system and production of feel-good chemicals to improve mood and mental health through delicious healthy snacks and desserts.

Tune into the wisdom of your body with mindful, intuitive eating and learn how to decipher the signals of your internal ecosystem, the microbiome, for lasting weight loss and balanced mood.

What you'll get:

  • 12 Group Coaching Calls with a group of like-minded women for accountability and support, led by Heather
  • A Microflora Assessment Session with Heather for personalized assessment of your microbial health and recommendations to bring your biome into balance
  • Access to Heather through Voxer for online support (voice messaging and text) to keep you on track towards your goals
  • A 12 week Program on the Gut Brain with a step-by-step process to tap into your gut-brain axis for lasting improvement in your digestive health and natural production of feel good chemicals contributing to your overall mental and physical health.
  • Delicious Gut Healthy Recipe Collection: Access to an arsenal of gut-healthy, delicious snacks and sweets, and meal recipes to support your gut brain health and are equally easy and enjoyable to integrate into your daily routine without a morsel of regret.
  • Weekly modules and exercises to take you on a journey to map out your own unique path to well-being
  • Gut brain trainings, mindful eating practices and tons of resources to support you in feeling your best mentally and physically.