Discover Food Freedom with Biome-Conscious Eating

Who is this program for?

Do you struggle with digestive problems? Stomach pain? How many times have you gone to the doctor and been told “it’s just stress”?

Do you feel like you have a hard time recovering physically from stress?

Oftentimes, we don't fully take into account the effect stressful events have on our physical body and how this affects us long-term.

Research on the microbiome shows that healing our body is vital for our mental-health in addition to our digestive health.

The research shows how much stress affects our digestion which in turn affects our body’s ability to make good-mood chemicals like serotonin and GABA.

But what can we do about it?

How does stress scientifically affect our digestive system, our mood, and our mental and physical health?

Becoming a master gardener of our microbiome is about cultivating the kind of health that creates resilience in our body so we can better manage, heal, and recover from the health implications of stressful events and on-going stress in our lives.

If you are...

  • Interested in learning how our microbiome can transform your own mood, chronic pain, digestive health, sleep, metabolism, energy and overall health. 
  • Looking to broaden your expertise on a cutting edge nutrition and well-being topic, that has not been integrated into mainstream wellness or clinical settings. 
  • Looking to learn how our gut microbiome affects our mental health.


What You'll Learn:

In my course we’ll go through the stress-gut connection and how the microbiome can help balance our mood and stress levels and help us recover from stress both mentally and physically.

I summarized the latest nutritional research behind eating for the health of the microbiome so you don’t have to read dozens of research papers.

You’ll gain skills in balancing the microbiome which in turn helps restore our digestive health, nervous system, and even immune system

We’ll cover how balancing your microbiome balances your mood and helps us recover from stress and how you can monitor the health of your microbiome at home


Meet Your Guide


Heather Wise, MPH is a certified integrative nutritionist, herbalist, meditation teacher and certified yoga instructor. She studied with pioneers in the field of holistic wellness at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, accredited by Columbia University’s Teacher’s College and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and holds a masters degree in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health. 

For the past 10 years, Heather Wise has been guiding individuals on a personal journey towards healing and tuning into their microbiome. In 2018, she published her book, A Gut Feeling: Conquer Your Sweet Tooth By Tuning Into the Microbiome on the transformative power of the mind-gut connection with the prominent academic publishing house, Rowman and Littlefield and received numerous rave reviews from researchers and experts at Stanford University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Library Archivist and Boston University School of Public Health.

She has worked in health prevention at some of the most robust and pioneering preventative health organizations in the country including the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Division of Prevention and Wellness, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Department of Prevention and Wellness, and Vitality. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and two kids. 


What will we cover in this program?

The Mindful Body Program  is a 12 week, 20+ Hour hybrid live and pre-recorded course. You will have access to hours of videos, exercises, a community forum of resources, and optional bi-weekly coaching calls with Heather, if you choose. 

Learn the Science Behind the Microbiome:  Discover how billions of living microbes play a pivotal role in determining our levels of feel good chemicals and mood, inflammation and physical pain, metabolism (weight), cravings and taste buds.

Feel Better In Your Body: Learn the most effective evidence-based techniques and practices proven to help with sleep, anxiety and digestion to create an optimal climate for your healthy microbes to flourish 

Create Your Food Oasis: Learn all the hacks for adding in nutrients to your diet that best support the health of your microbiome through delicious healthy meals, snacks and dessert recipes and find joy in food preparation. 

Practice Biome-Conscious Eating: Apply your new knowledge about the microbiome in your everyday and decipher the signals of your internal ecosystem for lasting changes in your health and mood.

What is included in live coaching?

During your first coaching calls with Heather you will received a personalized assessment of your microbiome and action steps (including supplement recommendations) for your unique biome and symptoms.

Heather will help keep you on track towards your vision of health and well-being with regular meetings, follow-up emails, video recordings of each call, and text and email support between sessions.

Register for the Mindful Body Program + VIP Coaching

Course Structure

Each week will cover a different topic, with short videos, writing exercises and mind-body practices to help manage stress. We will explore weekly reflection questions and participate in community discussions through a private community discussion board, in addition to our weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly coaching calls.

Weekly Themes


Week 1: Welcome! Mapping Your Vision
  • Tapping into body cues
  • Developing a growth mindset and a daily practice
  • Introducing essential nutrients for your microbiome
Week 2: Your Personalized Superfood Elixir
  • Creating your personal elixir
  • Delicious gut healthy recipes
  • Intermittent Detoxing
Week 3: Befriending Your Inner Critic
  • Defeat self-doubt and confront your inner critic
Week 4: Tuning Into The Body
  • Acts of Loving Kindness for your body
  • The Four Pillars of a Mindful Body 
 Week 5: Creating Your Food Oasis
  • Creating a food oasis
  • Populating your pantry
  • Meal recipes and planning meals
Week 6: Stress, Sweets and Snacks
  • Tapping into blood sugar cues
  • “Special Guest” Mindfulness of feeling with Dr. William Jackson Former Buddhist Monk
Week 7: Mindful Movement
  • Nurturing our body with movement
  • Tending to body pain and inflammation
Week 8: Mood-Balancing Meals and Practices
  • The science behind the gut brain axis
  • Mood balancing food and microbe rich body fuel
Week 9: What Your Poop Can Tell You
  • What you stool says about your microbiome
  • Getting to know your microbes
Week 10: Mindful Eating Practice
  • Sustaining a mindful eating practice
  • The Mindful Body Assessment
Week 11: Body Cues and Intuitive Eating
  • Pulling it all together: Practicing intuitive eating
  • Intuitive Eating practices
Week 12: Vision for Your Future
  • Savoring your accomplishments.
  • Integrating what you have learned and planning next steps

Register for The Program

  • Learn the science behind the microbiome 

  • Gain insight through gut brain trainings

  • Practice intuitive biome-conscious eating

  • Create your, "Food Oasis"

Register for the Mindful Body Program + VIP Coaching

If you have any questions schedule a free Insight Call to learn more or join the next class. 


In this call you will learn more about The Mindful Body 12 week program

  1. Clarify your motivation for improving your mental and physical health.
  2. Take a look at your current system of eating and caring for your body.
  3. Learn how to tap into your gut-brain axis for lasting improvement in your health.
  4. See if The Gut Feeling Program is a good fit for you