SkillfulMeans llc

There are skillful and unskillful ways to get what we want in this world and find peace and contentment. SkillfulMeans uses psychotherapy to aid in the development and application of consistent meditation practice helping clients to steadily develop insight and fulfill their personal vision of well-being. Founded by Dr. William Jackson, clinical health psychologist and former Buddhist monk, Skillful Means draws from science and wisdom traditions to find the most effective support for clients to cultivate awareness in every facet of their life.


The Team 

William Jackson, PsyD  (Founder & Managing Director)

Dr. William Jackson is a clinical health psychologist in private practice and a former Buddhist Monk with 20 years of experience in mindfulness based meditation and a passion for comprehensive well-being. Inspired by his personal experiences with suffering, deep retreat, insight and growth; William cares about creating and fostering a sense of saftey, connection, and meaningful change. He is focused on developing systems to aid individuals in clarifying and realizing a personalized vision of well-being. William incorporates the most accessible and core methods  from Vietnamese Zen and Burmese Theravada contemporary evidence-based meditation practices to  his wide network of health and wellness practitioners including experts in yoga, nutrition and holistic care. He is the founder of SkillfulMeans and creator of the online meditation program The SkillfulMeans Program.

Click to learn more about William.


Heather Wise, MPH is a certified mindful health coach, wellness consultant, certified yoga instructor, and author of the book, A Gut Feeling: Conquer Your Sweet Tooth by Tuning Into Your Microbiome. Heather has help craft the organization mission, message and services. 


Hara Garramone BA (Marketing) Hara obtained her degree in marketing in 2018 from Boston University. Hare is an avid meditator, yogi and has been essential part of crafting the message of SkillfulMeans and reaching those who could benefit from our services. 


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