Watch the video below to learn more about the Mindful Body Program.


Schedule Your Free Insight Call



On this call we will:

  1. Clarify your motivation for improving your mental and physical health.
  2. Take a look at your current system of eating and caring for your body.
  3. Learn how to tap into your gut-brain axis for lasting improvement in your health.
  4. See if The Gut Feeling Program is a good fit for you

Weekly Topics

Week 1 - Introduction to the Gut Brain

Week 2 - Clarifying Your Definition of Well-Being

Week 3 - Mapping Your Microflora Landscape

Week 4 - Reading Body Cues (to decipher cravings and reduce inflammation)

Week 5 - Intuitive Eating for the Microbiome

Week 6 - Body Cues and Our Nervous System

Week 7 - Savoring Your Food: Mindful Eating

Week 8 - Stress, Sweets, and Blood Sugar

Week 9 - Getting in the Flow

Week 10 - Pain-Free Movement

Week 11 - Finding Blockages (Keeping Inflammation at Bay)

Week 12 - Vision for Your Future