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Inhale Evolution, Exhale Stagnation: A Breath of Fresh Momentum

Mar 28, 2024

It's effortless to recognize when we're riding the high wave of a good day—when the birds are serenading us, the colors around us seem more vibrant, and the universe seems to whisper in our ear that all is well. Conversely, it's equally easy to acknowledge when we're trapped in the quicksand of a bad day—when the world feels gray, and every step forward feels like a battle against an invisible force.

But what about those subtle shifts in momentum? Those moments when our vibrant energy begins to wane, and we start to drift away from our self-care rituals or our positive affirmations? It's all too easy to dismiss these signs with excuses like "I'm just too tired today" or "I'll take a break from my self-care routine." These rationalizations sound familiar, don't they?

For me, this often manifests as a small but persistent voice that concocts excuse after excuse for not engaging in activities that fuel my self-evolution. It whispers things like:

  • "Maybe I'll skip calling my...
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Our Biggest Fear Is Our Own Greatness

Feb 15, 2024


In both my personal and professional life, I've realized that fear often keeps me from pursuing success. Just the other day, I found myself pondering why I hesitate. The truth hit me: achieving my goals would mean shedding the excuses that have become my comfort zone. No more self-pity, no more feeling powerless over my circumstances.

Last summer, as I lay recovering from recurring Lyme disease infections, I faced a similar truth. Why wasn't I healing despite months of treatment? Deep down, I feared recovery would strip away my “poor me” narrative, forcing me to acknowledge my own strength and control over my life.

Staying Safe 

Blaming others and circumstances felt safe, a familiar refuge where I didn't have to acknowledge my own power and choice. Bedridden with Lyme, I faced a stark realization: recovering meant accepting that I already had everything I ever wanted. Surprisingly, that terrified me.

Why so scary? For years, I had clung to a "poor me"...

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Overcoming Niching Anxiety as a Wellness Practitioner

Nov 04, 2023


I’m sitting on my porch as I write this all bundled up in a blanket with a warm drink in my hand feeling the cold winter air on my face. I think that what I love most about Winter is the invitation the cold weather brings to hibernate. The cool air beckons me to go inward, to stop doing so much and start the process of germinating something new.

Can you relate? When was the last time your own creative juices started flowing?

What happens if you brainstorm and get all excited and then when it comes time to share your idea or new creation with your clients you get tongue tied with questions like…"how will I share about my new project?" How will it help address your clients problems? How can you communicate that to them in a clear and succinct way? 

For health and wellness professionals, niching down is a topic that can stir up a plethora of emotions, from anxiety and fear to excitement and inspiration. 

So if it’s such a mixed bag...

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